Age: 1.5-2 yrs
Breed: Bluetick Hound
I am a: Male, neutered
Weight: 65 lbs
Cat Friendly? No
Special Notes: No apartment style/condo/town house living. Must have a six foot fenced backyard. Applicant must exhibit they have done their research on hound traits and long term needs.
Adoption Fee: 150.00
ADOPTED! Congratulations Mike!
Mike came back to us.
His foster family says “Mike is getting settled in and is making himself at home! He loves running in the tall juniper bushes in our backyard and “voices his opinion“ when I make him come back inside. We have been working on his manners with food, and he is getting better at taking food only when given a command/permission.”
Mike wants to be your number one guy! He is a very chill dog that bonds tightly with his people, and has had his heart broken a couple times. Like many hounds, he is moderately vocal when he locates a squirrel in the backyard. He will serenade you at meal time by singing the song of his people and welcome you home with a loving bay!

Special note: Because most of our dogs are large, active breeds, and many come from complicated backgrounds where food has been a scarcity, we do not adopt to families with children under 10, or in apartments/townhome style living.