Age: 2.5 Years
Breed: Husky/Shepherd mix
I am a: female, spay must be scheduled
Weight: 45 pounds
Cat Friendly? No
Special Notes: No kids under 10 years old. No apartment or townhouse style living. Please be aware of the amount of steps you have in your home/multiple levels; it will be hard for her to climb stairs for several weeks. Adopter must be willing to take Anya to follow up appointments for her spay and dental via our vet in Aurora, Colorado.
Adoption Fee: 250.00
After surgery and healing, Anya has been adopted! Congrats, beautiful girl!!
In mid-February, Anya, a petite cream-colored husky, was found along the highway and taken in by animal control. Anya had been in a road accident. The nature of Anya’s injuries caused officers to suspect that Anya may have fallen from a moving vehicle. She had a fractured right front leg, broken teeth, and abrasions to her nose and lip.
Anya has made huge strides from where she was just a month ago. Her foster has provided her ample space and time to both physically and emotionally heal. Every day, Anya’s personality begins to shine a little brighter! Now instead of trying to hide in a corner, she is anxious to interact with her new friends. She loves ear scratches and cuddles.
Anya’s healing is not complete, however. She is scheduled for surgery on 3/24/2022 to repair her leg so that she will be able to walk and run correctly in the future. All expenses will be paid for via My Fairy Dawg Mother.
Her perfect home might have a canine companion or two. Her attitude towards cats is unknown at this time. Her new humans will understand that she will need time to recuperate from her surgery. So slow introductions and supervised play time are essential for the first month. Anya will potentially have a small private area where she can seek solace and rest when she feels tired.
In the beginning her new family will begin to rehabilitate her by taking her on brief short walks. They will slowly increase the amount of time that she spends exercising working into longer adventures as she gains her strength. They will understand that Anya needs time to acclimate to her new surroundings and won’t expect a turn-key dog.
Anya is up to date on vaccinations, microchipped, and heartworm negative. Her spay and dental have been prescheduled to be completed after she has healed from her leg surgery (this is also covered by the rescue).